新品未使用品 マイヤペン(Qpen)対応 音声データ付き 福音館の科学シリーズ サイズ:20.2*25.2cm ページ:34 対象:小学生 全体118冊 Let’s read and find out science 2 (86冊) 内容: 1 Germs Make Me Sick! 2 Hear Your Heart 3 The Skeleton Inside you 4 What Happens to a Hamburger? 5 Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn 6 Your Skin and Mine 7 Almost Gone 8 Ant Cities 9 Be a Friend to Trees 10 Chirping Crickets 11 Corn Is Maize 12 Dolphin Talk 13 Honey in a Hive 14 How Do Apples Grow? 15 How Do Birds Find Their Way? 16 Life in a Coral Reef 17 Look Out for Turtles! 18 Milk from Cow to Carton 19 An Octopus Is Amazing 20 Penguin Chick 21 Snakes Are Huntes 22 Spinning Spiders 23 What Color is Camouflage? 24 Who Eats What? 25 Who Lives in an Alligator Hole? 26 Why Do Leaves Change Color? 27 Why Frogs Are Wet 28 Wiggling Worms at Work 29 Zipping,Zapping,Zooming Bats ... ... #こども英語 #oxford #英語育児 #英語教育テキスト #KUMON #Cambridge #Scholastic #洋書 #phonics #多読 #ペッパピッグ #Let’sGo #絵本 #英語 #英語絵本 #外国の絵本